Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver: The Colorado Project

The state of Colorado is well positioned to enact innovative public policy solutions to combat locally salient challenges. Against this background, the Josef Korbel School of International Studies and the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy at the University of Denver launched the Colorado Project. This initiative brings together a politically and geographically diverse group of civic, political, and private sector leaders from across the state to build a roadmap for the future of Colorado and produce recommendations to support inclusive and sustainable growth in the state. The Colorado Project serves as a state platform for deliberation focused on the challenging issues affecting Colorado.
Each year, the Scrivner Institute and the Korbel School of International Studies will convene a politically and geographically diverse group of leaders to focus intensively on a core series of public policy challenges. Each group will put civil discourse into action and work together to produce a set of comprehensive, collaborative policy recommendations to address these challenges. The goal is to establish common ground in order to move forward with practical solutions geared toward the public good.
The Colorado Project will help define the conditions under which community leaders with different political perspectives can come together on a shared strategy for the future, creating a framework for convenings of community leaders that reduce polarization and improve democratic governance.